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AI* for supply chain resilience and sustainability

An R&D programme carried out in partnership with Skema Business School and Côte d’Azur University.


In supply chain terms, resilience is the ability to anticipate sudden disruptions and resist their spread, whereas sustainability refers to the ability to maintain functions and performance over the long term while meeting environmental, economic, and social requirements.


Use artificial intelligence to improve tactical and strategic decision making by anticipating risks and optimising the costs and environmental impact of these decisions.


The aim of the research programme is to propose decision-support models based on artificial intelligence; these models are designed to provide a better response to the risks affecting companies’ supply chains, in particular by refining risk assessments using deep learning. The decision support provided aims to ensure the resilience and sustainability of the supply chain.


Companies in all sectors.


Selmen Boubaker (Ph.D. Researcher - Consultant)

Selmen Boubaker (Ph.D. Researcher — Consultant)

He holds a degree in industrial engineering from the École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis, as well as a doctorate from École CentraleSupélec. He began his career as a consultant in industrial management, before devoting himself to a thesis on the agility and resilience of the supply chain as part of the Supply Chain Chair at CentraleSupélec.
He subsequently contributed to a number of research and innovation projects focusing on supply chain optimisation and the use of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain. 

  • Supply chain agility: review of situations, ICORES 2019, Prague
  • Supply chain agility drivers and enablers, IESM 2019, Shanghai
  • An Approach to Assess Risks related to Information System in Supply Chain APMS 2021, Nantes
  • A supply chain flow model to assess agility in supply chains International Journal of Production Research


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