Digital twins of warehouses — intralogistics

Docteur Selmen BOUBAKER (Ph.D. Researcher — Consultant)
He holds a degree in industrial engineering from the École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis, as well as a doctorate from École CentraleSupélec. He began his career as a consultant in industrial management, before devoting himself to a thesis on the agility and resilience of the supply chain as part of the Supply Chain Chair at CentraleSupélec.
He subsequently contributed to a number of research and innovation projects focusing on supply chain optimisation and the use of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain.
- Drissi Elbouzidi, A., Ait El Cadi, A., Pellerin, R., Lamouri, S. et Boubaker, S. (2023) Cadre de modélisation des jumeaux numériques pour un entrepôt manuel. Dans CIGI Qualita MOSIM 2023, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada DOI 10.60662/jjtz-6r78.
- Drissi Elbouzidi, A., Ait El Cadi, A., Pellerin, R., Lamouri, S. et Boubaker, S. (2023) Digital Twin Modeling Framework For Manual Warehouses. SMC IEEE 2023.
- Fiche Reflexe : Jumeau numérique : un outil pour l’excellence opérationnelle et environnementale de l’entrepôt

Doctorant Adnane DRISSI ELBOUZIDI (Ph.D. Researcher)
Adnane is a graduate of the Ecole National Supérieure des Arts et Métiers. Adnane joined the Square Research Center to contribute to the work of the “Supply Chain” Domain of Excellence and to complete a doctoral thesis on digital twins for sustainable intralogistics. His research focuses on the role of A.I. in digital twins to support decision-making in intralogistics management while optimising the environmental impact of warehousing activities. He is the author of a paper presented at the I3M international conference, which won the conference’s Best Paper Award.
- Elbouzidi A.D., Bélanger M.J., El Cadi A.A., Pellerin R., Valencia E.T., and Lamouri S. (2022).,The Role Of AI In Warehouse Digital Twins. Proceedings of the 34th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2022). , 024 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2022.emss.024
- Drissi Elbouzidi A, Ait El Cadi A, Pellerin R, Lamouri S, Tobon Valencia E, Bélanger M‑J. The Role of AI in Warehouse Digital Twins: Literature Review. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(11):6746. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13116746
- Drissi Elbouzidi, A., Ait El Cadi, A., Pellerin, R., Lamouri, S. et Boubaker, S. (2023) Cadre de modélisation des jumeaux numériques pour un entrepôt manuel. Dans CIGI Qualita MOSIM 2023, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada DOI 10.60662/jjtz-6r78.
- Drissi Elbouzidi, A., Ait El Cadi, A., Pellerin, R., Lamouri, S. et Boubaker, S. (2023) Digital Twin Modeling Framework For Manual Warehouses. SMC IEEE 2023.
- Fiche Reflexe : Jumeau numérique : un outil pour l’excellence opérationnelle et environnementale de l’entrepôt